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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Always Remember Me (Poem)

Your gentle touch
The warmth of your embrace
The passion of your kiss
Precious times that felt ever so divine

I thought that they would never leave
Even though I can't reach you anymore
I can't open my eyes to find you there
I'll always have my memories

Though they are not as warm as the hands
That always made me feel so safe 
I know they will never disappear as you know have

My beloved,
My heart is forever yours
Even if you're lost
Beyond where my trembling voice can reach you

Even if your memories fade
Or disappear into the darkness
I'll never forget the precious times
When we faced the world together

My beloved,
For today, for tomorrow,
For the days that may never return,
Never forget the words we once exchanged...
"I love you..."

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


This week is heavier than another week. We could have test and homework in each subjects! I got 98, it's nearly perfect for Mandarin test. The teacher was just so fishy to give me 100. I got the tone wrong in this word - zen me. It's in 3rd tone yet I wrote 2nd tone. We also got the surprise test on Physics which drove my class crazy because we knew very little about it (the bright students have their own story for this).
We also had 'mixed conditional' for our English test and everyone seemed not understand any of it. I just couldn't help it that I wrote a little note for my English teacher, telling him how difficult to understand 'mixed conditional'.
Just want to say Adios to school...