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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dear Future Daughter

Random things just passed by my mind... And I decided to post this thing.

  1. When you're at some party, chain smoking on the roof with some strange girl with blue hair and exorbitant large dark eyes. Ask her about her day. I promise you, you won't regret it. Often times you'll find the strangest of people have the most captivating of stories to tell.
  2. Please, never mistake desire for love. Love will engulf your soul, whilst desire will emerge as acid, slowly making its way through your veins, gradually burning you from the inside out.
  3. No one is going to fucking save you. Anything you've read or heard otherwise is bullshit.
  4. One day a boy is going to come along whose touch feels like fire and whose words taste like vanilla. When he leaves you, you will want to die. If you know anything at all, know that it is only temporary
  5. Your mental health comes before school, baby. Always. If it's midnight, and you have an exam the next day but your hands have been shaking for the past hour and a half and you're not so sure you want to be alive anymore, go the fuck to bed. So what if you get a bad score on the exam the next day? You took care of yourself and at the end of the day that will always come before a high test score. To hell with anyone who tells you differently.