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Friday, October 10, 2014


I always believe at the power of prayer. When we are in need, we can always come to Him. A lot of things happen in our life and we cannot refuse that we need him, that we can't stand alone.
So this happened to me two days ago. I got my neck strain in the morning and okay you guys may think that this is a small case but for me this is crucial because it's really bothering me when I was working (because I have to sit like 4 hours straight). I tried to reduce its pain by massaging it but it didn't work at all. So yeah my mood was kinda bad throughout the day... That night before I slept, as usual I went to pray. It didn't work at first so I just laid myself to sleep. But it kept hurting me so much that I decided to pray one more time. I put my right hand onto my neck and prayed. First time, nothing happened. Second time, the same. And the third time, I felt something like wind or cooling sensation tingling all over my neck, and it feels so cozy that I fell asleep. Guess what? I woke up with no pain at all! WOW! And I was just like, this is amazing, and I told my roommate about this, and she also cheered over God's work.
The point of sharing this experience is I want people to have faith, to believe, that a prayer does work! It may not be answered right at the moment, but God will answer in the exact time. Your life is His, He won't betray you. He know what is the best for you. He know when is the exact time to fulfill your needs! Keep in faith and believe in the power of prayer! God bless you!

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