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Thursday, April 17, 2014


I woke up at 7 this morning because of the 'Body Language' class at the gym. Slept for about 7 hours which is not healthy because I have to sleep 8 hours (not less not more). I drank up my weight loss detox liquid (which I've shared in another post) and had a bowl of oatmeal. I put in 250ml of low-fat milk into it. COUNTED CALS: 234 cals
I hit the gym at 8.30 and decided to do cardios instead of 'Body Language' because it's too crowded and my friend didn't want to do it. So we just doubled the cardios and did sit-ups, crunch, and plank. After that, we went to sauna for 10 mins. I forgot to count the cals I burned this morning :(
We went home at 12.30. I took a Fitbar I bought yesterday and ate it as post workout snack. One serving of Fitbar contains 110 cals. I had 1/2 bowl of white rice for lunch with luncheon meat and bitter gourd. Since my muscles needed to be repaired so eating protein was essential. COUNTED CALS: 352 cals
I made a energizing melon smoothie (the recipe will be shared soon) for my mid-day snack. Cals per serving: 197.28 cals
DINNER TIME! YEAY! I didn't need to be so strict here since my body would also burn fat when I sleep later (that's why we got our abdomen flat in the next morning). So I had the same meal with lunch but without bitter gourd. I substituted my veggies need with spicy nori (seaweed sheet). COUNTED CALS: 193 cals
I ended up my day with 1 set of crunch (1 set = 15 times) and running up down through the stairs for 4 times. I just had my weight loss detox liquid for the night.

Review ended here. SUMMARY COUNTED CALS: 1086.28 (this is only an estimation)

Keep in faith! WE CAN DO IT! xx -much love-

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